Welcome to Crump Lab at McGill University
About Us
Members of the Crump Lab, are driven to improve esophageal cancer care. Our work spans three creative focus areas:
Patient Insights 🤝
We collect and analyze patient-reported outcomes so we can see health from the patient’s perspective. -
Precision Outcomes 🎯
Using personalized, predictive models, we forecast quality-of-life outcomes tailored to each patient’s unique cricumstances. -
Smart Decision-Support 💡
We’re building innovative tools that help clinicians and patients make informed decisions together.
Our research is open-source and collaborative — because sharing drives innovation.
We’re based in the Division of Thoracic and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery at Montreal General Hospital, right in the heart of Montreal, Quebec.
While this site is still a work in progress, feel free to explore our work at these sites:
- Lab projects: OSF.io 🔍
- Study protocols: protocols.io 📑
- Code: GitHub 💻
- Data: Dataverse 📊
Our Student Team
What We’re Working On
Scoping Review of Esophageal Cancer Outcome Measures
- Question: How well do the most common patient-reported outcome measures for esophageal cancer stack up against the “Consensus-based Standards for the Selection of Health Status Measurement Instruments”?
- Methods: A comprehensive scoping review of peer-reviewed literature.
- Details: View our protocol or learn more on OSF.
Emotional Distress & Post-Esophagectomy Outcomes
- Question: Do shifts in preoperative emotional distress influence postoperative outcomes for esophageal cancer patients?
- Methods: A retrospective observational study using real-world data. (Full protocol coming soon!)
- Details: Check out OSF for updates.
Lab Opportunities
We’re looking for bright and committed student volunteers, graduate students, and post-docatoral fellows. Further information can be found here.